Vegan Schnitzel Plate

  • Is Vegan Schnitzel Plate vegan? Yes! Vegan Schnitzel Plate is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.75 (11)

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Most helpful reviews

This is their star dish and it lives up to the hype! It’s definitely what

you expect out of a schnitzel, crisp outside and flakey inside. There is a bit of soy aftertaste.
The plate comes with the options of fries or potato-cucumber salad, I took the latter and it had a very tangy citrusy taste.

#veganisnotscary #munich #schnitzel

Geniale rivisitare la cucina bavarese in chiave vegana! Schnitzel di soia molto buona, tornerò sicuramente

per assaggiare il resto del menù 🥰

Great vegan schnitzel with homemade sauces! Highly recommend for a veganised version of the traditional


This schnitzel is sooo good. Served with oven potatoes and date ketchup and mayo

We ordered both the schnitzel and the ravioli. Both were were flavorful and delicious. The

schnitzel plate was large and came with salad, French fries and a potato cucumber salad. The cashew cream sauce on the ravioli was my favorite. I liked it so much I dipped pieces of the schnitzel in it too. Friendly and accommodating staff. Restaurant is in a cute space, and has outdoor seating as well.

Went there during October fest and this was so far my favorite German food restaurant

in Germany 🤤

Amazing!! 😍 So nice to be able to visit Munich and have options for vegan

German food!

Avevo questo posto tra la lista di cose da fare a Monaco da mesi e

non ha deluso per niente!!! Cotoletta di soia BUONISSIMA e pure l’insalatina di fianco, la salsa, il ketchup fatto in casaaa

Ich wünschte ich würde in München leben, um öfter in den Genuss dieses veganen Schnitzels

zu kommen 😃

Typical German dish that tastes better than the "original" one.

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