carrot cake fritter

4.00 (3)

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Most helpful reviews

I found this one to be a bit on the dry side... Maybe it's because

I ate it later in the day and fritters do seem to lose their freshness more quickly than other donuts. It wasn't my favourite, but I wouldn't turn it down if someone offered me one šŸ˜‰

not only does this not have raisins in it, but machino actually asked their instagram

following if they should put raisins in it, received a resounding ā€œyesā€, agreed it was the move, and still didnā€™t put raisins in it. i can honestly only interpret this as a complete troll job and assault on raisins so i canā€™t in good conscience give this any more than 4 stars. it is a pretty good fritter other than that. other than the all out attack on raisins and my raisin people. but ya other than that pretty good! doesnā€™t really hit you in the face with the carrot vibe either if you want to get into it. but still an edible fritter. anyway thereā€™s a war on, pick a side. #justiceforraisins #raisinhell #raisingang #raisinawareness #teamraisin

The fritters at machino are absolutely out of this world šŸ‘½šŸŖ go get one right

away do not pass go or make another single bad decision today if you havenā€™t already had a machino fritter. Crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, with little teeny carrot shreds, cinnamon and walnuts folded in there šŸ˜šŸ„• I couldnā€™t with a clear conscience give it 5 stars because there are noooo raisins, and everyone knows carrot cake = raisins, and raisins = great, and raisins > no raisins. Donā€™t @ me! Itā€™s math.
#raisinawareness #veganisnotscary #9090challenge buckle up here we gooo šŸš€

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