Sweet And Sour Abalone Mushroom

  • Is Sweet And Sour Abalone Mushroom vegan? Yes! Sweet And Sour Abalone Mushroom is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.40 (6)

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Most helpful reviews

One of our favourite at Leaf Corner. A hearty meal with good portion of kailan.

Kailan is simple yet really nice too.

I LOVE THE SAUCE!! nice fried mushrooms and its so savoury😍

#VeganIsNotScary #186

Small plate $12/-. It was crispy and yummy. The sauce was good, it

came with some green capsicum, cucumber, tomatoes & lettuce! Felt should add some pineapple 🍍
Hahaha! 🤪

It is abit jelat because of the thick flour coating the mushroom.

my guilty pleasure 😙 food tastes better when u byo instead

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