Claypot Rice

  • Is Claypot Rice vegan? Yes! Claypot Rice is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.42 (9)

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Most helpful reviews

taste j like the duck rice i used to have when i was a kid

HEHEH but i love this one much more and its sooo much better than duck rice!

I love how they managed to keep the greenies in broccoli still looking so fresh.

Monkey head is definitely the star in this dish. Great taste. My favorite.

Very delicious Chinese veg cuisine. Claypot rice is flavorful and lots of mushrooms

Clay pot rice is good but still preferred it to be burnt. The burnt taste

adds to its flavour and richness of taste that filled your palpate with its full aroma.

The best vegan claypot rice
Great presentation
Taste great it will be better if it cook with

ginger and salted fish

Initially enticed by mark of chef’s recommendation and pictures, the claypot arrived with strong claypot

smell. While good effort was made to make the dish wholesome, the taste become quite overwhelming as the ingredients were limited. Missing the claypot essence, that would truly add to the flavour of the dish.

Have been eating this dish quite often since it's opening. They tweaked the recipe, used

to have more monkeyhead mushrooms, which I prefer!


goodness old gracious. simple black soy sauce kindda rice

Flavourful and served with lots of monkeyhead mushrooms!

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