Green and Lean Bowl

  • Is Green and Lean Bowl vegan? Yes! Green and Lean Bowl is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.52 (5)

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Most helpful reviews

Delicious mango, bananas, strawberries, Kiwi and dragonfruit with awesome Chia seeds, goji berries and coconut

flakes :) love the portion, love the clean ingredients

portion was more than sufficient and the fruits were all very fresh, which made the

overall taste wonderful! every bite of açaí was elevated with a burst of juice and sweetness from the fruits and this is overall a really good bowl

These bowls are so nice to cool off to here in sunny Singapore. It tasted

spinach-y which I don’t really mind but I don’t think it’s for everyone? I’d say you’re better off getting the big bowl than the small one because it seems a little more value for money. Also wish they’d use proper ceramic bowls & reusable cutlery rather than plastic since we were dining in! A shame in that respect :(

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