Beyond burger with “egg” topping

  • Is Beyond burger with “egg” topping vegan? Yes! Beyond burger with “egg” topping is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.78 (13)

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Most helpful reviews

The egg tasted really similar to a chicken’s egg.
Recommended for those who want egg without

harming animals.

Delicious meals, the taste of the vegan "egg" is identical to the real thing! The

service is the best. #animalsnow

The yellow part is amazing, the white is nice but less so, but it gives

you the experience of eating a sunny side up and that's genius! And I love beyond burger #animalsnow

Their burger is probably one of my favorite vegan burgers ever and the “egg” topping

really had the texture and feel of an egg

The perfect burger! So delicious every time and the egg is amazing - very creative

and great texture

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