Eden Burger

  • Is Eden Burger vegan? Yes! Eden Burger is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.77 (7)

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Most helpful reviews

Vegan approved! I love supporting a small business like Eden Burger. I totally agree with

their mission, as well. The Vegan burgers were amazingly delicious and their desserts were excellent too! Everyone was so nice and I could tell they enjoyed working there. That speaks volumes! Thank you, Eden Burger, for making my stomach happy!

Note: Personally, I went Vegan for health reasons. I have 4 autoimmune diseases and I needed to find a way to feel better and healthier. Another reason I went Vegan was after watching the movie, "Okja." I now find great joy and satisfaction in knowing that my choices extend beyond me. I know that I'm helping myself, helping the planet, helping animals and helping humanity by eating a plant-based diet.


The best vegan burger in columbus. Always so good and the perfect comfort food!

Great vegan “fast food” type restaurant on campus. While it’s not necessarily healthy (French fries,

onion rings, etc) it is 100% vegan and their burgers are made from mushrooms and rice. Yummy!!

The Eden Burger: Lettuce, tomatoes, american cheese, onion, pickles and special Eden sauce. This burger

is DELICIOUS! The Eden sauce is my favorite!

A perfect Eden Burger! I love that Eden is a fully vegan restaurant! The food

is awesome.

Best burger in town and $1 is going back to the animal sanctuary.

This is not the picture of the product but I love the taste of this

Southwestern. It goes smooth in your body, unlike grilled dead bodies. 10/10 💕😽🍔

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