• Is Pizza pesto vegan? Yes! Pizza pesto is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.48 (5)

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Most helpful reviews

Pizza con pesto, tomates cherrys y chorizo vegano. Es la mejor de todas las que

venden (segun mi punto de vista), aunque para mi lo mejor que tienen es el cheesecake vegano que tienen. Delicioso.

Great pizza, stronger tasting pesto would have been preferable.But yum!

I really liked this vegan Pizza from Dolce Pizza y Los Veganos. The presentation was

ok, a bit unconvincing specially the fake chorizo (which was delicious by the way) but the overall look was fine. The flavour on the other hand was the best part, I really like pesto and this one delivered greatly combining perfectly with the chorizo (although I did get tired of such a greasy taste, but that's normal for me with pesto). The pizza base was a little bit undercooked, but the flavour and texture we're not too shabby at all! Overall a great dinner with great company as well so I can't complain 😊. Really recommend the place and the waiter was very funny and attentive (also we were served in just a few minutes which is always a big plus!).

Masa fina, finísima. Innecesariamente crujiente. Mi estilo favorito es la pizza americana de masa esponjosa

y contundente salsa de tomate, pero sobre todo, mis lugares favoritos son los 100% veganos, así que le perdono todo a este sitio.

No me suele gustar el tomate cherry en la pizza, y está hac logrado que

si me guste!

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