50 Kalò (Marinara Con Scarole)

4.47 (3)

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Most helpful reviews

This is the best vegan pizza I ever had in my life. It’s from 50

kalo italian restaurant in London which I really recommend. This is marinara con scarole pizza, basically is tomato, olives and vegetables. The dough is light and the ingredients are high quality , I could even smell the scent of the oil when the waiter came with the pizza. Highly recommended.

50 kalò is my brother's favourite pizza place, so every time we go to London

our little tradition is having dinner there. This pizza is so good: cherry tomatoes, steamed escarole (so hard to find it in UK), garlic and black taggiasca olives. I added some sautéed mushrooms. Simple ingredients and amazing taste!

Ottima pizza in trafalgar square a Londra. Pizza vegana, marinara con scarola. Buoni

e leggeri gli ingredienti, personale simpatico e gentile. Consigliato,.

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