Review of Cre&m Filled Wafer Bars - LoveRaw by cloudyaquilegia

photo of LoveRaw Cre&m Filled Wafer Bars shared by @cloudyaquilegia on  02 Feb 2023 - reviewphoto of LoveRaw Cre&m Filled Wafer Bars shared by @cloudyaquilegia on  02 Feb 2023 - review



OMG eating this chocolate #wafer bar was amazing! I was never really fond of the dairy ones, because they generally were too sweet. But this is perfection, the #darkchocolate on the outside giving some #bittersweet notes, the inside giving a very satisfactory mix between #creaminess and #crunch for a full sensorial experience 😀
#carbsforlife #carblover #sugar

helena12345 Yes indeed, they have all kinds of flavors too 😉😋1 likeReply

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