Review of Rehearsal Dinner Buffet at Elm Hurst Inn & Spa by svraphael88

photo of Elm Hurst Inn & Spa Rehearsal Dinner Buffet shared by @svraphael88 on  05 Nov 2022 - reviewphoto of Elm Hurst Inn & Spa Rehearsal Dinner Buffet shared by @svraphael88 on  05 Nov 2022 - review

I feel bad for my brother and his wife because all of the food during their wedding weekend was so bad that people were talking about it! Lol!!! This rehearsal dinner surprisingly had a bunch of vegan options but everything was grossly overcooked and underseasoned. The atmosphere was pleasant enough, but wow, you spend so much money and it is not good. Wild.

gardensoul I’m so sorry to hear!!😟😟it seems like most wedding food isn’t great, my cousins wedding for example🤢but so glad you had plenty of vegan options!! All the good vibes will make up for it💗2 likesReply

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