Review of Golden Crumbed Schnitzels - Fry's Family Food by dafnelately

photo of Fry's Family Food Golden Crumbed Schnitzels shared by @dafnelately on  24 Feb 2022 - reviewphoto of Fry's Family Food Golden Crumbed Schnitzels shared by @dafnelately on  24 Feb 2022 - reviewphoto of Fry's Family Food Golden Crumbed Schnitzels shared by @dafnelately on  24 Feb 2022 - review

Fry's Family Food


15 minutes in the air fryer and dinner’s ready 😌 Perfect for that #lazyvegan lifestyle I got going on for me 💅 I think they would’ve crisped nicer on the pan but what can you do, I haven’t an ounce of effort left in me 💆‍♀️ They taste.. vegetably which was alright for me but unfortunately was not #/omnivoreapproved 😪 The breading is also probably not for everyone, I found myself a lil sick of it after a bit. I wanna say it tasted #toohealthy but that definitely ain’t it 🤷‍♀️ So uh.. #illpass on this one. #fakemeat #reviewwithaview

bianca1701 I love the Fry’s brand 3 likesReply

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