Review of Apple & Lychee Cider - Albens by dafnelately
After a long day of work (it’s 9am) and already finding a bug 🐛 I think I deserved this break! jk. i had this a few days ago pls i was joking i i’m trying to reproduce the bug 🥺 #hopeful This drink tastes a bit artificial and a little too sweet, though I don’t think that’s the case - lychee and apples probably just don’t do it for everyone! Still quite refreshing though, so can’t be too mad 😋 Especially not with their bright as day vegan labelling 💕 #veganisnotscary #veganuary #ditchdairydrinkbeer
stevenneoh If I drink this at night and then get stopped by the mata auntie when driving, is the flavour weak enough that a slice of pizza will sufficiently mask it? #askingforafriend 2 likesReply
sunshineyum Pic of the bug? Reply
dafnelately Photos for my 2 reviews prior to this were missing 😄 Then I thought I’d try to see what caused the issue 🙈Reply
sunshineyum Oh an app bug, not a real bug! I'm silly 🤦🤣 Love 🐛🐞! 1 likeReply
dafnelately Hahahahaha 🤣 Love one 🐞🐛🪲🐜 but only contractually obliged to love the other 💻👩💻 type of bug 😆1 likeReply