Review of Kibe de berinjela at Beleaf by michelleciascavegan

photo of Beleaf Kibe de berinjela shared by @michelleciascavegan on  09 Dec 2021 - reviewphoto of Beleaf Kibe de berinjela shared by @michelleciascavegan on  09 Dec 2021 - reviewphoto of Beleaf Kibe de berinjela shared by @michelleciascavegan on  09 Dec 2021 - reviewphoto of Beleaf Kibe de berinjela shared by @michelleciascavegan on  09 Dec 2021 - review

🇧🇷 Uma refeição pronta com 24g de proteína 🥰 muito melhor do que um fast food ou junk food, né ?! Alimentos saudáveis ​​e deliciosos podem andar de mãos dadas. Este contém brócolis e tomate assados ​​+ batata cozida temperada com zaatar + creme de tofu e quibe de berinjela.

🇱🇷 A ready meal with 24g of protein 🥰 much better than either a fast food or junk food, right?! Healthy foods and delightful foods can walk hand in hand. This one contains baked broccolis and tomatoes + baked potato seasoned with zaatar + tofu cream and an eggplant kibe.


titoherbito 🤤🤤🤤2 likesReply
rociiroo 🤩1 likeReply

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