Review of Lotus Biscoff Original Cookies - Lotus Biscoff by plantbasedancer

photo of Lotus Biscoff Lotus Biscoff Original Cookies shared by @plantbasedancer on  25 Nov 2021 - review

Lotus Biscoff

If you are a lover of tea and love something sweet along side, then please go out and get some of these 🙏🏻. They have this really delicious and sweet caramel/biscuit flavour and they’re just so perfect to dunk in tea. These are the most classic/basic product from biscoff, but they also have an ice cream topping sauce and a biscoff spread!!!

itsjustmel Such a unique flavour. Loved these before going vegan, still love them after! 😋1 likeReply
jetsky Have you tried the spread? Warning: it’s spoony to mouthy. 2 likesReply
plantbasedancer Omg I know haha it’s so amazing! Very dangerous though…. 1 likeReply

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