Review of Dark Chocolate - Mush Oats by glutenfreevee

photo of Mush Oats Dark Chocolate shared by @glutenfreevee on  08 Nov 2021 - reviewphoto of Mush Oats Dark Chocolate shared by @glutenfreevee on  08 Nov 2021 - reviewphoto of Mush Oats Dark Chocolate shared by @glutenfreevee on  08 Nov 2021 - reviewphoto of Mush Oats Dark Chocolate shared by @glutenfreevee on  08 Nov 2021 - reviewphoto of Mush Oats Dark Chocolate shared by @glutenfreevee on  08 Nov 2021 - reviewphoto of Mush Oats Dark Chocolate shared by @glutenfreevee on  08 Nov 2021 - review

Mush Oats

This is a small container-much smaller than the brekki, but it’s less than 10g difference in weight.

Looks a like there’s a thin layer of wetness when opened, but mixed well.

Dark chocolate was just right, and there is also a sweetness from dates (yes, dates. I was pleasantly surprised.) that takes any bitterness from the dark chocolate away.

Nutritionally, each container has 220 calories, 7g of fats, 33g of carbohydrates (with 5 as dietary fiber) and 7g protein. Ingredients are simple and natural.

I thought they were a little bit cheaper than the brekki’s, but at the register they rang up the same, $2.79. Since it is a smaller container, it does feel more of a luxury item.

They have a few other flavors, like blueberry, vanilla bean and apple cinnamon.

Day 39/90

#veganisnotscary #overnightoats #oats #breakfast #veganbreakfast #almondmilk #simpleingredients #darkchocolate #dates #glutenfree #glutenfreevee

michelleciascavegan I loved the wording ... so true👏1 likeReply

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