Review of Spicy Miso instant Ramen Soup - Trader Joe's by jackz95
When it comes to instant noodle soup, I don’t really like hard noodles, so I never let the noodles sit with the cap on after I add the boiling water. I just add the water and stir, and I usually get the noodles to my liking within a couple of minutes. These noodles actually took quite some time to soften; not sure if I’m the biggest fan of that. The soup mix also did not dissolve very easily, and a lot of it clumped on the bottom.
I’m prepared to give this product another chance though. Maybe things will be better if I actually follow the directions.
I do think that the soup is very hearty and flavorful, and I’m a sucker for quick and affordable meals. Definitely something I would eat for lunch on a busy or lazy day. #veganisnotscary #boston #traderjoes #vegantraderjoes (2/90)