Review of Toasted Marshmallow Almond + Coconut Creamer - nutpods by veganfoodcrazy

photo of nutpods Toasted Marshmallow Almond + Coconut Creamer shared by @veganfoodcrazy on  06 Nov 2021 - reviewphoto of nutpods Toasted Marshmallow Almond + Coconut Creamer shared by @veganfoodcrazy on  06 Nov 2021 - review


Wow! This creamer is amazing 🤩 ! It is sugar free and comes in so many flavors but this is one of my favorites! I used it to make a s’mores latte and it was 🔥

I used a frother and it froths like crazy


yumi I ❤️ nutpods1 likeReply
veganfoodcrazy Me too! I am hooked on this toasted marshmallow flavor 😋1 likeReply
yumi It’s so goodReply

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