Review of חומוס עם 40% טחינה - green שופרסל by kerent10

photo of green שופרסל חומוס עם 40% טחינה shared by @kerent10 on  11 Apr 2021 - reviewphoto of green שופרסל חומוס עם 40% טחינה shared by @kerent10 on  11 Apr 2021 - reviewphoto of green שופרסל חומוס עם 40% טחינה shared by @kerent10 on  11 Apr 2021 - review

green שופרסל

One of our favorite #hummus spreads in our family!
It contains 40% tahini and it tastes really great 😋
my son’s “default” sandwich is #hummus plus green olives... he picked up the olives addition habit from his friends... and it’s actually a very yummy combination 😁 #abillionlove #impactfulapril

astxnto That sandwich combo sounds delicious 🤤 1 likeReply
kerent10 It sure is 😊Reply

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