Review of Indian Spiced tofu - Fontaine Santé by hajojo

photo of Fontaine Santé Indian Spiced tofu shared by @hajojo on  10 Apr 2021 - reviewphoto of Fontaine Santé Indian Spiced tofu shared by @hajojo on  10 Apr 2021 - reviewphoto of Fontaine Santé Indian Spiced tofu shared by @hajojo on  10 Apr 2021 - review

Fontaine Santé

Loved this tofu! 🇮🇳 😋🍜
Usually when tofu has spices/flavours it’s very mild and you have to add more. This tofu was so flavourful and easy to press, I didn’t have to add any spices!

I pan fried it lightly with veggies and served it with rice noodles 🍜
It was a light yet filling meal 🥰

I recommend this tofu if you can’t get any locally.




#tofu #fontaineSante #indian


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