Review of Signature Dry Mee Sua at Truly Vegetarian 非素不可 by herbimetal

photo of Truly Vegetarian 非素不可 Signature Dry Mee Sua shared by @herbimetal on  21 Nov 2020 - review

Not as good as I expected though they use clean ingredients. Didn't expect a dry mee sua to be spicy and sour, which I'm not quite fond of. The spice was more bearable after a while. It had some veggies but not a lot of ingredients. The mock meat balls and dumplings were nice, wish there were more. Soup was delicious. Was given a very dirty spoon at the stall as they give you the utensils , they should be more careful about that. It is a smaller than usual portion as I got hungry after 5 hours and it's overpriced at $6.80. It's nice that this stall is vegan and makes their meals healthy. They need bigger portions though.


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