Review of Chocolate peanut butter bomb cake at Champs Diner by veganfoodcrazy

photo of Champs Diner Chocolate peanut butter bomb cake shared by @veganfoodcrazy on  19 Nov 2020 - review

There are simply no words in the human language to describe this 🍰. It hits every single note 📝. It has this rich chocolate #cake , a super thick outer chocolate layer (aka #chocoholic delight) and creamy peanut butter frosting ! You will drool, you will moan and you will definitely enjoy eating it. The slice is pretty 🤩 big , but you will definitely want to eat the whole thing!


jenniferj1s Whoa!1 likeReply
veganfoodcrazy Yes whoa is just about right for this . 😂 1 likeReply
anacll98 How did you make this?! 😍 or did you buy it somewhere? My boyfriend and I miss sweets a lot since we have gone vegan... in Spain there aren’t so many options 1 likeReply
veganfoodcrazy I wish I knew how to make this! It was in a restaurant. The peanut butter was like a buttercream frosting so delicious. You can probably find a recipe online 1 likeReply

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