Review of Rawa Masala Thosai at Ananda Bhavan Restaurant by simhazel

photo of Ananda Bhavan Restaurant Rawa Masala Thosai shared by @simhazel on  28 Sep 2019 - review

First layer is so crisp!!! Filling was so generous I had a hard time finishing it fast before a gig. Love the chutneys on the side.

sylchew What filling is inside? :)Reply
simhazel @sylchew potato and onions! Usual thosai stuffReply
sylchew @simhazel ohhhh i thought the potato filling is usually called masala thosai, so when i saw rawa masala i thought it was a different filling lolReply
simhazel @sylchew not sure the diff name but the diff is the exterior, very crisp!Reply

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