Oatgurt Natural

by Oatly
4.53 (4)
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 64%

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Most helpful reviews


Oatly milk and Yoghurt (on the right). The yoghurt is natural - without flavour but it's smooth and creamy. It goes well with any cereal, you would like to add some maple syrup as it doesn't have much sweetness:) overall taste is ok. I prefer the Oatly Turkish yoghurt 😋


My favourite oat yoghurt, pretty liquid.. so works well with muesli if you prefer your youghurt less thick 👌


Ero alla disperata ricerca di uno yogurt bianco senza zuccheri per la mia bambina è ho trovato questo. A lei, a giudicare da come se lo è spazzolato, è piaciuto. Per i miei gusti un po' troppo acido ma apprezzo il fatto che non sia il solito yogurt di soia.

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