Queso manchego

by Leaf
4.54 (37)
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 80%

Leaf Queso Manchego is a plant-based cheese made with non-GMO ingredients. It has a rich and creamy texture that melts beautifully, making it suitable for use in Mexican dishes, salads, chickpea omelettes, nachos, and grilled cheese sandwiches. Its buttery taste and smooth texture make it a popular choice among vegans and non-vegans alike. Customers have reported enjoying its flavor in various dishes, and some have even used it as a substitute for traditional cheese.

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Se derrite súper bien y tiene un gran sabor. Si quieres hacer pizza o quesadillas deberías probarlo.



Delicioso, su sabor es muy diferente a todos los otros quesos. Y se derrite suuuuper bien. Es mi nuevo queso favorito.



The best vegan cheese, I’ve tried since I stop eating dairy in 2011.... and it is Mexican! It melts amazingly, you can eat it straight from the fridge and it is delicious! I Love it! #tierradeanimales #mexico #cancun


im very picky with cheese, before going vegan i was obsessed with cheese lol so i honestly didn’t LOVE this.. i prefer not really trying vegan cheese cause i usually get disappointed. but my non vegan cousins really enjoyed it! i’m gonna try making nachos with this .. any other suggestions on how to eat this?? #veganisnotscary


Agregué queso Manchego Leaf rallado a mi pasta para hacerla más cremosita. La textura es excelente, pero el sabor podría mejorar. De todas formas, es muy buen sustituto. Pronto prepararé una pizzita. Esperen las fotos 🍕❤
#adioslacteos #abillionlove

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