Green Cuisine vegane "Chicken" Nuggets

by Iglo
3.96 (10)
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 47%

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10/10, my sister and I really liked them. Good nutrition and no plastic packaging. 


They taste good, I bought them more than once so that speaks for itself :) 


So we tried these vegan Nuggets today and enjoyed the "bite-feel" and their crunch very much. The consistency is perfect and it's fun to eat. They don't taste like much though, but since we use to eat nuggets with barbecue sauce it's no problem for us. But I think they should consider adding some taste to the inside of the nugget. I bought the product because it has pea-protein in it and is not all made out of seitan (which I don't consider very healthy). Since this is a kind of unhealthy treat, the amount of wheat gluten inside is ok. Great to have this in the freezer for a movie-night!
#abillionlove #nuggets


Iglo Green Cuisine
Vegane "Chicken" Nuggets

Die Nuggets sind zwar schön knusprig geworden, das Innere hat aber 
eine sehr schaumige, eher unangenehme Konsistenz.
Die Panade schmeckt gewohnt gut, aber das Innere ist so gut wie geschmacklos.

Mich können diese Nuggets leider überhaupt nicht überzeugen. Das geht definitiv besser! 6/10

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