Blue Cheese Crumbles

  • Is Blue Cheese Crumbles vegan? Yes! Blue Cheese Crumbles is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 80%

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I have been looking for a good vegan bleu cheese and this is the one!

It is super creamy and tastes so similar to the dairy version. My husband and I have been enjoying it on vegan buffalo chikin wraps all week, it is excellent!


Creamy and smooth, this reminds me of feta cheese, but a little bit softer.

This was enjoyed with a lovely salad that has baby spinach and arugula (reviewed yesterday), grape tomatoes, avocado and beets. I was planning to pair it with a creamy vegan dressing, but was unable to so at that time.

Nutritionally, a one ounce serving (there are 6 in the container) has 70 calories from 6g of saturated fat (from coconut oil) and 4g of carbohydrates. It is also a source of some calcium.

Bought on sale at Whole Foods for $3.49, regularly $3.99.

Cremoso e morbido, mi ricorda la feta, ma un po' più morbido. Questo è stato gustato con una deliziosa insalata con spinaci e rucola (recensito ieri), pomodorini, avocado e barbabietole. Avevo intenzione di abbinarlo a un condimento vegano cremoso, ma in quel momento non potevo farlo.

Dal punto di vista nutrizionale, una porzione da un'oncia (ce ne sono 6 nel contenitore) ha 70 calorie da 6 g di grassi saturi (dall'olio di cocco) e 4 g di carboidrati. È anche una fonte di calcio.

Acquistato in vendita da Whole Foods per $ 3,49, regolarmente $ 3,99.

Cremoso y suave, me recuerda al queso feta, pero un poco más suave. Esto se disfrutó con una deliciosa ensalada que tiene espinacas tiernas y rúcula (revisada ayer), tomates uva, aguacate y remolacha. Planeaba combinarlo con un aderezo vegano cremoso, pero no pude en ese momento.

Nutricionalmente, una porción de una onza (hay 6 en el envase) tiene 70 calorías de 6 g de grasa saturada (de aceite de coco) y 4 g de carbohidratos. También es una fuente de algo de calcio.

Comprado en oferta en Whole Foods por $ 3.49, regularmente $ 3.99.

奶油和光滑,这让我想起了羊奶酪,但有点软。 这是一份可爱的沙拉,里面有菠菜和芝麻菜(昨天回顾过)、葡萄西红柿、鳄梨和甜菜。 我打算把它和奶油素食调料搭配,但当时做不到。

从营养上讲,一份 1 盎司(容器中有 6 个)含有 70 卡路里热量,来自 6 克饱和脂肪(来自椰子油)和 4 克碳水化合物。 它也是一些钙的来源。

我在 Whole Foods 以 3.49 美元的价格购买了,通常为 3.99 美元。

Cremig und glatt, das erinnert mich an Feta-Käse, aber ein bisschen weicher. Dies wurde mit einem schönen Salat mit Babyspinat und Rucola (gestern überprüft), Traubentomaten, Avocado und Rüben genossen. Ich hatte vor, es mit einem cremigen veganen Dressing zu kombinieren, konnte es aber damals nicht.

Ernährungsphysiologisch hat eine Portion von 1 Unze (es sind 6 in der Dose) 70 Kalorien aus 6 g gesättigtem Fett (aus Kokosnussöl) und 4 g Kohlenhydraten. Es ist auch eine Quelle für etwas Kalzium.

Gekauft im Angebot bei Whole Foods für 3,49 $, regulär 3,99 $.

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wow! I can not tell the difference between this vegan cheese from the cow’s

milk dairy blue cheese! this is soooo good sprinkled on top of salads as well as very meltable on on sandwiches! (or pasta)


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