Fior Di Crackers

by Certossa
4.26 (39)
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 80%

Fior di crackers are a type of snack that is made from a dough that is baked until it is crispy. They have a mild flavor that is similar to that of a cracker, but they are also light and airy, making them a healthier alternative to bread. These crackers are made with high-quality ingredients, and they are a great choice for those who are looking for a tasty and wholesome snack. They come in convenient packaging, making them easy to take on the go, and they are perfect for satisfying your cravings for something crunchy and delicious.

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Crostini solo con olio di oliva davvero buoni e dal sapore delicato. Li consumo semplici o spalmati con formaggio morbido vegan. #santuariocapraliberatutti


🇬🇧 Very good and light crackers, they are the exact copycat of another product from a very well known brand except for the brewer's yeast, listed as an ingredient in these and not in the other ones.
I try not to buy them too often because one pulls the other so I run out of them right away (especially paired with red miso paste or dried tomatoes cream) 😅

🇮🇹 Cracker molto buoni e leggeri, sono in tutto e per tutto la copia dei Fiori d'Acqua di Mulino bianco tranne che per il lievito di birra, presente in questi e non negli altri.
Cerco di non acquistarli troppo spesso perché uno tira l'altro e li finisco subito (soprattutto in accoppiata con la pasta di miso rosso o la crema di pomodori secchi) 😅
💵 € 1.19

#crackers #vegancrackers #oliveoil #olioevo


A me piacciono un sacco per spalmare hummus o altre creme o anche al posto del pane; avendo un gusto molto leggero si abbinano a tutto (anche al dolce😏)

#crackers #veganisnotscary

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