Botanika Blends Lemon Cheesecake Plant Protien

by Botanika Blends
4.60 (1)
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So, story time,
When I first smelled this I thought I was melting. It was the 
most perfect, gorgeous and precisely EXACT replication of the smell of a lemon cheesecake and I was quite literally shaking in anticipation.
Upon tasting it however, I was feigned with disappointment. It reminded me of the taste of lemon strepsils to which I had adopted quite a disliking after a rather unpleasant encounter with strep throat x tonsillitis comorbidity.
BUT after I had it a few times more, it began to grow on me?
And THEN it started haunting my dreams and leaving me as a zombie craving such a lush, decadent..........haha jk.
But for real this grew on me heaps and I now find I love it so damn much!
Great protein powder, so smooth, nice tart and lemony flavour and none of the negative connotation it initially carried for me.
Go get some of this bad boi now! 🤤🤤

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