Pitted Organic Medjool Dates

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OMG! It’s like candy! So plump and fresh! Has a sun-kissed caramel taste to it.

I can’t wait to get more! These are great as is, with nut butter, in smoothies, or added to baked items. They offer both whole and pitted options.

There are 5 servings of 2-3 California dates in a box, but one could easily finish the box without an issue in one or two sittings. Each serving provides 110 calories from 30g of carbohydrates (3g of fiber) and less than a gram of protein.

A bit pricey, normally $6.99 at ShopRite, so I’m usually on the lookout for a sale. This one I had received a coupon for a free box in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion. But definitely splurge worthy.

OH MIO DIO! È come una caramella! Così paffuto e fresco! Ha un sapore di caramello baciato dal sole. Non vedo l'ora di ottenere di più! Questi sono ottimi così com'è, con burro di noci, frullati o aggiunti a prodotti da forno. Offrono sia opzioni intere che snocciolate.

Ci sono 5 porzioni di 2-3 datteri della California in una scatola, ma si potrebbe facilmente finire la scatola senza problemi in una o due sedute. Ogni porzione fornisce 110 calorie da 30 g di carboidrati (3 g di fibre) e meno di un grammo di proteine.

Un po 'caro, normalmente $ 6,99 su ShopRite, quindi di solito sono alla ricerca di una vendita. Questo avevo ricevuto un coupon per una scatola gratuita in cambio della mia opinione onesta e imparziale. Ma decisamente degno di una pazzia.

¡DIOS MÍO! ¡Es como un caramelo! ¡Tan regordete y fresco! Tiene un sabor a caramelo bañado por el sol. ¡No puedo esperar para obtener más! Estos son geniales como están, con mantequilla de nuez, en batidos o agregados a productos horneados. Ofrecen opciones enteras y sin hueso.

Hay 5 porciones de 2-3 dátiles de California en una caja, pero uno podría terminar fácilmente la caja sin problemas en una o dos sesiones. Cada porción proporciona 110 calorías de 30 g de carbohidratos (3 g de fibra) y menos de un gramo de proteína.

Un poco caro, normalmente $ 6.99 en ShopRite, por lo que generalmente estoy buscando una oferta. Este había recibido un cupón para una caja gratis a cambio de mi opinión honesta e imparcial. Pero definitivamente derroche digno.

我的天啊! 就像糖果一样! 如此丰满和新鲜! 有一种阳光亲吻的焦糖味。 我迫不及待想得到更多! 这些都很棒,可以搭配坚果酱、冰沙或添加到烘焙食品中。 他们提供整体和去核选项。

一个盒子里有 5 份 2-3 个加州枣,但是一个人可以轻松地在一两次坐下完成一个盒子,没有问题。 每份提供 30 克碳水化合物(3 克纤维)和不到 1 克蛋白质的 110 卡路里热量。

有点贵,通常在 ShopRite 为 6.99 美元,所以我通常在寻找销售。 这个我收到了一张免费盒子的优惠券,以换取我诚实和公正的意见。 但绝对值得挥霍。

OMG! Es ist wie Süßigkeiten! So prall und frisch! Hat einen sonnengeküssten Karamellgeschmack. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, mehr zu bekommen! Diese sind großartig, wie sie sind, mit Nussbutter, in Smoothies oder zu Backwaren hinzugefügt. Sie bieten sowohl ganze als auch entsteinte Optionen an.

Es gibt 5 Portionen von 2-3 kalifornischen Datteln in einer Schachtel, aber Sie könnten die Schachtel leicht in ein oder zwei Sitzungen fertig essen. Jede Portion liefert 110 Kalorien aus 30 g Kohlenhydraten (3 g Ballaststoffe) und weniger als einem Gramm Protein.

Ein bisschen teuer, normalerweise 6,99 $ bei ShopRite, also bin ich normalerweise auf der Suche nach einem Angebot. Bei diesem hatte ich im Austausch für meine ehrliche und unvoreingenommene Meinung einen Gutschein für eine Gratisbox erhalten. Aber auf jeden Fall protzenswert.

#dates #fresh #sweet #natural #raw #NaturesCandy #fruit #veganisnotscary #datteri #fresco #dolce #naturale #crudo #caramelledellanatura #frutta #datiles #dulce #dulcesdelanaturaleza #fruta #datteln #frisch #naturlich #roh #obst #glutenfree #singluten #senzaglutine #glutenfrei #glutenfreevee

Dates are awesome by themselves, but they're also the perfect natural sweetener for smoothies and

raw desserts. I also love stuffing them with brazil nuts or almond butter. Today I used them to make one of my favorite raw desserts - it's like a thick smoothie or a pudding. All you need is the water and meat of a young Thai coconut, a handful of fresh dates, half an avocado, raw cacao powder, and some fresh vanilla scraped from the pod (vanilla extract is cool too). Blend it all up and enjoy! Sometimes I add a handful of spinach and a Tbsp or two of hemp powder for some extra nutrition, but today I forgot 🤷‍♀️

Joolies’ branding is super fun! It’s the main reason I’d been meaning to try their

dates for like forever. The second reason being they’re local to my state! These make a great snack. They seem less sickeningly sweet than other dates I’ve had, which make better sweeteners in a drink or dessert than snack on their own. They are soft and moist, too, for a packaged fruit. I enjoyed some plain, but they’re also perfect stuffed with a Brazil nut!

I seriously enjoyed these organic medjool dates. They were delicious and this 3 pack was

convenient. They’re a healthy snack that didn’t disappoint! I would definitely buy these again.

fresh and pitted 😙 gonna b using these to make date bars. apparently they’re also

a great sweetener in baking because recipes are always calling for them and i’m tired of missing out 🙄🙄

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