Review of Easter Eggs Crunchy Hazelnut - Hands Off My Chocolate by trixi
So excited for this new Easter special of hands off! It’s shaped like little Easter eggs and filled with crunchy hazelnut bits. Just a dream. And the packaging is so cute. #chocolate #chocoholic #veganchocolate #veganeaster #easter #chocolateegg #veganeastereggs #catsofabillion #catsofabv #catlover
nicolerenou 😻😻💕💕🐾4 likesReply
maryanarch 💗 🐈 💗 4 likesReply
lestroismoutier Your cat is beautiful ❤️😻❤️4 likesReply
trixi Thank you🥹 his name is Tivoli🥰2 likesReply
yukipookie What a beautiful assistant 😻🐈❤️💚💜2 likesReply
trixi He is the best 🥰🤭Reply