Introducing our sustainability hashtags and what they mean

@annfromsg profile image


Attention abillion community! We’ve introduced a new feature that helps you to highlight important aspects of sustainability in your reviews. Now you can support your favorite brand and discover new ones.

How does it work? After writing your review, scroll below to Sustainability Factors to pick the hashtag relevant to the brand of the product or dish you’re reviewing.

See also: Introducing the Carrot Club. Here’s everything you need to know.

Familiarize yourself with our new hashtags

#locallysourced - This dish features ingredients that are locally sourced. It's beneficial because it can boost the local economy, support agriculture within your locale or the farmers market, and, most importantly, lower travel-related emissions.

#zerowaste - This restaurant operates under a zero-waste policy.

#ecotakeout - Support a restaurant that practices an eco-friendly approach to takeouts. Dishes are packaged waste-free, which means they can be recyclable or reusable.

#organic - This dish is made with organic ingredients.

#minorityowned - A member of a minority group owns this business. Supporting minority-owned companies goes a long way because it helps strengthen local communities, create more job opportunities and close the wealth gap.

#womenowned - ​​This business is women-led. When you support women-owned businesses, you invest in their economic development, gender parity in commerce, and the economy's overall growth.

#lgbtqowned - Supporting LGBTQ+ owned businesses promote inclusivity and economic empowerment

#unsustainable - This restaurant does not practice sustainable practices and has products that can cause environmental damage.

#palmoilfree - This product is palm oil-free.

#biodegradable - The materials used in this product are biodegradable, hence reducing wastage.

#recyclable - The materials in this product can be recycled.

#upcycled - This product was made with recycled or reusable materials.

#reusable - The packaging of this product can be reusable. Some examples are glass bottles, boxes, containers.

#ecopackaging - This product uses environmentally friendly packaging.

#fairtrade - A certification system that ensures a fair standard in producing and supplying a product. This affects farmers, workers, and shoppers. It can mean safe working conditions, fair pay rates for workers, and high-quality, ethically produced products for shoppers.

#ethicallymade - This company ensures that no child labor or forced labor is involved; they pay fair prices to workers, adopt fair trade practices, provide good working conditions, and respect the environment.

#compostable - This product is compostable, which means materials can be broken down into non-toxic elements. When a product is compostable, it helps to reduce the carbon footprint.

Let’s do our part to save the environment and the planet in the long run. The way to alleviate animal suffering, sustain the environment, prevent world hunger, support social justice, and improve health is to embrace a compassionate vegan lifestyle. Every effort counts, including using and supporting sustainable brands committed to reducing carbon emissions. Go green!

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@janebee profile image
Great how about #NonGMO
@vikas profile image
great idea
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