Review of Mittagsmenü mit Burger "Weltenbummler" und Salatbeilage "Winterkrautsalat" at HANS IM GLÜCK Burgergrill & Bar by bluesoul
This super delicious combo, available until 5 pm, contains a vegan #burger 🍔 of your choice (I chose the burger called "Weltenbummler" with a falafel patty, avocado spread 🥑, jalapeños 🌶️ and lettuce 🥬 with herbs), a side like a small salad or fries (I picked a #redcabbage #salad called "Winterkrautsalat" (which might be limited edition) with an aromatic dressing, topped with a cocktail tomato, crunchy sweet corn, sprouts and seeds), a cold beverage and a hot beverage of your choice (not pictured here, for hot beverages like cappuchino, latte macchiato etc. they offer oat mylk without a surcharge). The burger is very delicious, with a crispy patty, aromatic avocado spread, pleasantly hot jalapeños and crispy lettuce with herbs. The red cabbage salad is crunchy and pairs well with the aromatic dressing which isn't as sour as most other vinegar-based cabbage salad dressings. Price 16,80 € for the whole menu.
#veganburger #veganfastfood