Was completely blown away. Before going vegan I knew the hardest things to give up were chicken and then spicy tuna rolls. How can you replicate the raw flesh of an animal? However eating this sushi roll brought me back, even thinking about it is making me salvate. It tastes EXACTLY like a spicy tuna roll, and a really good one at that too. Omni aunt and mother said the same exact thing and were so blown away too. They kept asking me for more pieces! Literally the best vegan spicy tuna I've ever had. They need to open more locations! Come here for sure if you miss spicy tuna and you will not be disappointed.
Most helpful reviews
10/10 loved this! Nice spicy flavor and the texture and taste mimics what a non vegan tuna roll tastes like! Nailed it
Another roll that I wouldn't really recommend. It's not bad, but just plain. There are many other better options that are more worth it in my opinion. #vegantuna #sushi #vegansushi #veganrolls #beyondsushi #veganisnotscary
Vegan Spicy Tuna, perfectly imitates a spicy tuna roll so you can enjoy all the amazing flavors while not harming any living creature! This roll came with 8 pieces!